Outcome Evaluations
Since January 2017, Growing2gether has transformed the lives of over 2200 young people and children, throughout Highland.
We are passionate about outcome evaluation, and value its importance as a means of informing our practice, improving what we do and more effectively meeting the needs of the young people we serve.
We also consult with young people and the community directly, to learn about what works and where we need to improve.
So far, 90% of the young people we have worked with agree that Growing2gether made them feel more confident in their abilities. We have achieved an 23% improvement in mental health and well-being of participants, and a 21% increase in self-esteem.
100% of young people who finished Growing2gether, and 85% of starters, gained an accredited personal development qualification, encouraging them to re-engage in their community and school.

We work with Councils to track the long-term destination (e.g. attendance/further education) of young people. In Highland, initial long-term tracking shows that 92% of Growing2gether participants reached a positive destination and 53% stayed on in education.

And most importantly, 93% of young people would recommend Growing2gether to other young people! Our greatest success is of course the positive feedback we gain from our young people themselves.

“I have really enjoyed this experience, the facilitators were really helpful and supported us when we needed help. My favourite part was reading to the children and watching them improve. There wasn’t anything that I didn’t enjoy from this experience. I have definitely gained more confidence and stepping out of my comfort zone”
Jenny, aged 14.
For more information and how you or your school can get involved, please contact admin@growing2gether.org.uk or click on the following link: